Wellness Examinations

Pet Exams in Denver, Colorado

Wellness exams play a big part in keeping your pet happy and healthy. At State of the Heart Veterinary Care, we ensure each exam is thorough and accounts for all your pet’s needs while addressing your concerns as the pet parent. Schedule an annual wellness exam today, and make sure your pet experiences the best quality of life possible.  

What is a Wellness Examination?

A wellness examination is an annual checkup for your cat or dog that allows our vet to assess your pet’s overall health and, importantly, catch any arising health problems early on. Wellness exams are a critical part of your pet’s ongoing care, as these appointments are the foundation for supporting your pet’s well-being throughout their lifetime. Wellness exams should be performed annually, as pets go through lifestyle changes as they age, and keeping up with their health can require adjustments to their care and routines.  

Components of a Comprehensive Exam

During a wellness exam, your vet will comprehensively evaluate your pet’s overall health. The components of a wellness exam include the following:

Physical Examination 

During the physical exam, your vet will observe or inspect: 

  • Your pet’s general body condition, including if your pet has the appropriate body weight
  • How your pet walks and stands
  • The skin: checking for rashes, scabbing, bumps, areas of abnormal thickening, and other abnormalities 
  • The haircoat: checking for dryness, excessive oiliness, evidence of dandruff, abnormal hair loss, or excessive shedding
  • The ears: checking for thickening, discharge, hair loss, etc.
  • The eyes: checking for discharge, signs of excessive tearing, redness, cloudiness, etc.
  • The mouth and teeth: checking for tartar build-up, broken teeth, periodontal disease, retained baby teeth, etc.
  • The nose and face: checking for symmetry, how the pet breathes, if there are any problems related to skin folds and other abnormalities 

Examining the Heart and Lungs

Your veterinarian will auscultate (listen to) the heart, checking for heart rhythm, abnormal heart rate, or heart murmurs. The vet will also listen to the lungs for signs of decreased or increased breath sounds. 

Examining the Lymph Nodes, Legs, and Abdomen 

Your vet will palpate (examine by touch) the lymph nodes in the region of the neck, head, and hind legs, checking for swelling or pain. We will also feel your pet’s legs, checking for evidence of muscle problems, lameness, nerve issues, etc. Then, they will evaluate the abdomen, feeling around the bladder, kidneys, intestines, liver, stomach, and spleen, assessing whether these organs appear normal or abnormal and checking for signs of discomfort. 

Fecal Examination 

The vet will request a one-time fresh sample of your pet’s feces for the wellness examination, there is no need to check monthly unless the vet notices parasites or diarrhea. Fecal examinations are important for puppies and kittens since it is common for them to have intestinal parasites from their mom, children being in the house, or the environment. A number of these intestinal parasites can infect humans. Young children are especially at risk for parasite infection from our pets. 

Wellness Screening Tests

Wellness screening tests are recommended, like a complete blood count (CBC), a urinalysis, and a blood chemistry profile. Younger animals with no noticeable health issues might require simpler testing, while middle-aged or geriatric pets might require more comprehensive testing. 

Vaccines and Review 

Vaccination recommendations will be provided based on your pets lifestyle, home location, and age. Once the entire exam is complete and your pet has received their vaccinations, your vet will take the time to discuss examination findings and overall health assessment findings with you. If they have noticed any signs of injury or illness, they will speak with you in more detail about diagnostics or available treatment options.

What are the main Benefits of a Wellness Exam?

At State of the Heart Veterinary Care, we offer several different veterinary services, including a pet annual exam, which has many benefits. Keeping up with your pet’s state of health means detecting problems before they become serious risks. Additionally, as your pet ages, they experience subtle changes to their health, and addressing their dynamic needs is critical throughout their lifetime to maintain their quality of life. 

Ensuring a Positive Wellness Exam Experience

Preparing for your vet visit can help ensure the examination is as productive as possible. Keep track of your pet’s diet and exercise, and bring this information to the appointment. Prepare to bring any medications your pet is on as well as  records of their previous exams. Remember to communicate any changes in your pet’s home, lifestyle, and importantly, remember to ask questions. 

Wellness Exams at State of the Heart Veterinary Care

Our pets are everything, and at State of the Heart, we provide the highest level of customized veterinary care to ensure your pet’s quality of life. We understand that sometimes it seems unhelpful to take your pet in for an exam when they appear healthy. Yet, annual wellness exams play a crucial role in preventing serious health concerns down the road. Make sure your pet is happy and healthy, and schedule a comprehensive wellness examination today at our Denver, CO, clinic!